Successfully Delivery of Rail-Road Sleeper Changer to Vietnam Market

Author: Hunan QM Track Equipment Co., Ltd Filed Under: Company News Date: 2023-03-11 20:02:51

Recently, after several days of hard work, our company successfully delivered a multifunctional Railway Sleeper Change machine to customers in the Vietnam countries. This multi-functional excavator is converted from an excavator. It has a dual-drive system of excavator crawler tracks and railway track wheels, which can work very well at both roads and railways.

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The multi-functional Railway Sleeper Change machine is mainly used for local parts or full line sleeper replacement operations in line maintenance. , The applicable sleeper types are wooden sleepers, 69, II and M type concrete sleepers, which are mainly composed of crawler type (rubber wheel type) excavators, sleeper replacement operation devices and railway track wheel devices. According to user needs, the machine can be customized equipped with a variety of accessories (bucket, small bucket, excavation device, shaping device and tamping device, etc.) to realize the functions of digging, cleaning, tamping and ballast shaping, which can realize mechanized operation and save a lot of money, Human and material resources.

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Hunan QM Track Equipment Co., LTD., as a professional manufacturer and technical solution provider of Railway Maintenance Machine parts, has an experienced technical team, which can provide customers with one-stop railway Maintenance Equipment parts procurement services and efficient maintenance technical solutions.

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